Cultural Heritage & Social Change Summit

Creating a community-centered and grassroots funded convening to explore how cultural memory organizations can lead social justice efforts

The Challenge

Thought leaders, activists, cultural memory practitioners, community organizations and others lacked an opportunity to gather to map out shared practices, opportunities and obstacles for cultural memory organizations leading social justice efforts. Existing library, archive, and museum conferences could not accommodate such a gathering due to rigid financial models and programming limitations.

Our Approach

In partnership with the Southern University at New Olreans’ Masters in Museum Studies program, we raised funds for and produced a summit experience. Using Open Space Technology meeting facilitation techniques, the gathering allowed delegates to identify and discuss and define needs in a safe, creative, and community-focused space. We coordinated with the Museum Computer Network conference taking place in New Orleans in November 2016, with the Summit following the conference.

Stats and Impact

  • The event attracted over 100 participants, bringing together a wide range of international, national and local organizations.

  • 100% of funds were raised through sponsorships, participants and partnering organizations, with a sliding scale cost of attendance, capped at $75.

  • $19,725 was raised for travel support for delegates.

  • The Summit identified 6 key themes to emerge, which would be further explored and examined in subsequent years through other convenings, design workshops and collaborations as a direct outcome of the CHSC Summit

    • 1. Safe Space for Disruptive Dialogue

    • 2. Funding for Transformative Gatherings

    • 3. Equitable and Ethical Collaboration

    • 4. Diversifying Technology Production in Cultural Heritage Spaces

    • 5. Integrating Community Archives Into Traditional Cultural Heritage Spaces

    • 6. Social Innovation and Rethinking Goals and Objectives in the Cultural Heritage Sector


Hosting Sponsor


Presenting Sponsors


Anonymous Donor



Download the follow-up report, Nothing About Us Without Us

Download the follow-up report, Nothing About Us Without Us

Select tweets from the Summit:


See more tweets from CHSC Summit here…


Decolonizing Digital Memory


Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives & Museums Summit